The final Meeples…

…is up for those who’ve not noticed yet.

Very much the end of an era: 283 episodes (not counting various multi-parters from Salute, IIRC) over… longer than I’ve been back in the hobby – 12 years, in fact. One of the first podcasts I started listening to, back in Whispering Neil days, and one I was flattered and honoured to be a part of (counts on fingers) for I think over 100 episodes. It cost me (and probably a lot of other folks) a lot of money that I don’t grudge at all, but equally it gave us all, I’m sure, a lot of fun and entertainment – I suspect I can speak for a lot of people when I say that there are games, figure ranges and rules, and probably even whole areas of the hobby, that I wouldn’t have come across without the show.

It also created a community, and for that alone it was awesome, never mind anything else.

Thanks guys.

Roll good dice!

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Autor: Mike Whitaker / Trouble At T’Mill – a wargaming blog

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