The Pearl of the Antilles. – The Haiti Campaign – Day Ten – 10th August 1791

Day 10 and with a fresh player taking control of Henri Christophe in the south of the island things are starting to hot up.

The forces of General Jean-Jacques Dessalines (Gold) continue their expansion through out the region with another village – St Louis du Sud falling under his control.

The British hold firm at Pestel as the South West of the island starts to become somewhat crowded.

The Republicans continue to hold rallies and petition the people to show free will, but take no aggressive actions whilst on the other side of the mountain Rigaud’s forces can be seen marching West along the coast from Jacmal.

Our new player Henri Christophe has sent out a flurry of orders, his men set about their new orders with great vigour with troops scurrying here and there.

In the North of the island Gen Louverture continues his advance into the territory of Georges Biassou, his skirmish troops push him hard. Louverture pushes his skirmishers forward keeping the pressure on Biassou. Biassou throws a shielding force to halt the advance of Louverture whilst he breaks up his formation in an attempt to slip the noose.

Meanwhile a body of men are seen advancing towards Louvertures forces.

The Spanish tend to their wounded with 4 men returning to the ranks. The Princesses forces retreat deeper into their territory falling back to Phaeton. However word reaches the Spanish commander of an incursion on the Spanish border by a group of slaves.

And finally after the attack at the fort a few days ago things have been quiet for the French, but reports are coming in from the pickets of Slave forces massing on the tree line around the fort. An attack is coming Dutty and his men are on the move.
Standby for round 2.

One major battle and 2 small skirmishes it’s looking to be a busy month ahead…..

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Autor: Stuart SDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & Dice

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