These ARE the droids you have been looking for.
One of the joys of diving headlong into Imperial Assault was opening a big box and finding a mass of Star Wars characters in it, add to this the prospect of enhancing the core box with booster packs and I was transported back in time to that young boy who greedily ripped open the packaging of his action figures; not appreciating that to keep them in mint condition was the way forward!
Greed is worth reflecting on here, as there is a danger that we end up coveting the next big thing without really considering if we actually need them. I certainly didn’t need to be buying booster packs, but I unashamedly wanted them! Having acknowledged that Imperial Assault was always going to be pure self indulgence, thereby absolving me of all guilt, one of the fist packs that I picked up was that of R2-D2 and C3-PO; two of the most iconic characters in the franchise.*
*I have to confess that I don’t like the word franchise here, I appreciate that it is a financial concern, but like to think of Start Wars as something more special, at least to me anyway.
I immediately ripped open the packet, taking care to keep the proof of purchase badges, although for the life of me I don’t know why, and put the cards and skirmish map to one side. As I picked up the plastic miniatures, I could immediately hear the chirps and beeps of the loveable R2 unit and the heavy clunk as C3-PO gave his rumbustious counterpart a kick – oh the joy!
Of course I now needed to paint them and at this point I need to make special mention of the ‚Sorastro’s Painting Tutorials‘; I can sit and watch this series YouTube videos for hours! Never patronising, Sorastro’s commentary is clear and deceptively simple as he takes the novice painter through a series of stages to produce wonderful results. He does, however use a lot of ‚Games Workshop‘ washes, glazes and specialist paints which I didn’t have. A little bit of web based research unearthed a paint matching chart and I was heartened to find that I could match most of the colours that he used used with my Vallejo pots, but the subject of the washes was a sticking point. In the end I decided that I would give them a go and ordered some up, by my word the price made my eyes water!
I shall refrain from detailing the painting process here as I simply followed the tutorial to the letter. I did, however have to come to terms with a white undercoat, a departure from my using method, and looking at the photographs I am somewhat frustrated to see that my tired eyes missed a substantial mould line that runs down the front of R2D2. I shall share one joyous moment that whilst painting C3-PO silver I was instructed to coat him with sepia wash, it was as if I had learnt the secrets of alchemy as the golden body of the much maligned protocol droid magically appeared in front of me!
So my fist efforts have hit the table and I have to say that I am rather pleased with the results; more to follow shortly!
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Autor: Michael Awdry28mm Victorian Warfare28mm Victorian Warfare28mm Victorian Warfare
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