Uncharted Seas….. Back from the depths…
These have been in the back of the cupboard for so long that they have been completely redesigned by Warcradle Studios when they acquired the rights from Spartan Games. Still it’s nice to get this lot finished and be available for gaming even if they only come out once in a while.
First up a couple of Shroud Mages – Tormentor Class Heavy Cruisers.
Whilst moving stuff around I also came across these torpedo boats, which will come in handy again they are in need of a couple of house rules, but they took no time at all to paint and wash, once I had sculpted the bases.
They do look rather good when compared to the Flagship. I am really not sure how much staying power they will have on the table.
Given the time lag between painting the the first starter pack and the new batch I am pretty pleased with the colour match. I had to mix up a bronze colour to match the central boiler unit on the ships, the original Dwarf Bronze had long since dried up…. but the new mix came up rather well and a coat of Matt Varnish should tie them in perfectly.
Looking forward to tonight – Now all I need to do is find the rules….
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Autor: Stuart SDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & Dice
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