V the Mini Series – Clean and Sweep #1
The militia player had to prepare for all round defence of the village from the Visitors and their cleansing and food hunt.
Visitor Briefing.
Location: Zikinga
Situation: Your platoon has been tasked with clearing out a village. Expect a prepared defence.
Initial Deployment: Enter on any road, you may enter on foot or mounted.
Victory Conditions: Clear the village of militia.
Situation: A Visitor assault on your village is expected, you are prepared to repel this assault on your home.
Initial Deployment: Set up anywhere on the board.
Victory Conditions: Keep control of the village at the end of the game.
So there you have it a game of 750 points using Flying Lead.
With their passage blocked the second APC flanks the village and enters into the village from the east. A messy fire fight was taking place as militia men popped up from various windows and door ways.
The milita head for the high ground and catch the Visitors on the flank, once again Diana is caught in a hail of bullets and is knocked to the ground.
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Autor: Stuart SDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & DiceDust, Tears & Dice
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