Verlinden 120mm English Knight 14th C. (aka the Duke of Lancaster) – WIP

Started on the 120mm resin kit today; which is the first actual painting project for 2020. Finished most of the main parts of the figure. The lions on the jupon/cyclas are outlined on the figure a bit shallow and faintly, but useful nonetheless. As you may be able to see, I’ve used brass rods to assist in attaching the various separate pieces together.

Although the box art calls this figure an English Knight, he’s actually based upon Henry, Duke of Lancaster, as illustrated in the Osprey Armies of Crecy and Poitiers book (image below):

One thing I forgot to mention in my previous „first of the year“ post, was that I have committed to host two Franco-Prussian War Bolt Action games at our annual big con in May, Enfilade!

Thanks again for visiting and wishing you all the very best in 2020!

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Autor: DeanM / WAB Corner

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