Victrix Middle Guard – WIP +2

So managed to finish up the remaining figures with block painting and gave them a brush on wash of Minwax Tudor Satin stain. I tried to dab off excess pooling at the bottom of the figures – particularly the edges of the greatcoats.

 Once they’re completely dried they’ll be sprayed with Testors Dullcote.

After the Dullcote, some highlighting and touching up will be done.

As they’ll be based in close formation, 4 figures per 40mm squares – a lot of minor imperfections will not be readily visible.

There’s 12 remaining figures from this set, and I may add them to the 4 „extra“ Perry French Light Infantry figures I have once I break that unit down to 16-man units. Anyway, I’m happy to have come this far on this project. Best to all.

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