Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Heroes - Qulathis and Holdenstock

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Heroes – Qulathis and Holdenstock

Two more of the Cursed City Heroes completed! Only two left to do – from the core box. There are a few other playable figures… but I’m mostly focusing on the ones from the core box (that I have printed cards for!) 

Qulathis the Exile and Dagnai Holdenstock

Qulathis the Exile

Dagnai Holdenstock

All of the heroes, so far… 

I’ve also finished up a few tokens… 

Grave tokens – these are used, sometimes, when zombies activate – a token is placed on the table next to a hero and a zombie is spawned next to any grave tokens that are out there. Only one of these is from Cursed City. I have another to do. The other two, I think, came with older boxes of GW skeletons…? I don’t LOVE the ones that came with Cursed City… so much annoying fine detail on a thing that’s just a token!?

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