Warlord Games 28mm American G.I.s
Just the briefest of posts this morning as I try and catch up with all the other bits and pieces that this time of year brings. A handful of American G.I.s from the free plastic sprue attached to a copy of Wargames Illustrated. This rather fortuitous freebie will form the backbone of the American troops at the castle during the battle.
There are some discrepancy in the numbers of troops present, but Stephen Harding in his book, ‚The Last Battle‘ my ‚go to‘ reference suggests that there were four members of the 142nd Infantry Regiment actively engaged in the battle. The four G.I.s were told that they would be showered with medals , but not one received an award for the action.
The ‚Warlord Games‘ plastic sprue gives plenty of options and they go together pretty well. I hadn’t noticed initially, that I had failed to secure the arms of the chap holding the M3 properly. The magazine not actually attached, looks rather like the G.I. in question is reloading on the hoof!
The castle itself has moved on a lot this week, with James securing the base and attaching the profile edges. Meanwhile I have been lecturing the approach board and realising that I may have underestimated just how much material this is going to take!
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Autor: Michael Awdry / 28mm Victorian Warfare
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