Well, Did some Painting Finally

Sample Prussian Guards that I painted before Christmas. These are finished figures.

I was feeling a little better yesterday.  The sun was out, I walked the dog, and had a good workout with my trainer so I was feeling better. I visited the painting table and turned on Henry Hyde’s Battlechat with Jay Arnold as background noise for painting. It was a three hour podcast and I painted for three hours. Note the coincidence.

I resumed painting the new Minden Prussian Guards in tricorn hats. I have 19 figures on the painting table and had done some of the color blocking in a previous session. The paint and the brushes seemed to flow like magic.

My messy painting table. The Prussian Guards are in the center.

I always paint a sample figure from start to finish before I tuck into the rest of the unit. This way I have the satisfaction of seeing what the figures will look like when the unit is finally completed. It gives me some incentive to power through the boring parts of the painting of the figure (blocking in the base colors, particularly the black- I paint all equipment and gaters black before applying the final colors. This is tedious. The uniform colors are as bad.)

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Autor: Der Alte Fritz / Der Alte Fritz Journal

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