What a Tanker! Mark IV’s Camouflaged

What a Tanker! Mark IV’s Camouflaged

As you can see, I’ve started the base coat of white camo paint on the Plastic Soldier Company Pzkpfw IV’s over the last couple of days, squeezing in the time around work and family stuff. I’m really tired at the moment but have a day off coming up later in the week, so plan to get a lot more done and possibly even finish the rest of the German tanks by the end of the weekend. The idea with the Mark IV’s is to replicate the washed out camouflage effect on the profile picture, which I think should look pretty good if I get it right?

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Autor: J JackamanJim’s Wargames WorkbenchJim’s Wargames WorkbenchJim’s Wargames Workbench

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