What a Tanker! Tiger II Finished

I finished off the Pegasus Tiger II today, although the tank commander still needs to be painted and popped into the cupola, leaving me with the rest of the German tanks to wrap up tomorrow. I’m quite pleased with the end result, although it won’t win any IPMS prizes and is a bit workmanlike, but the base needs something or other to give it more interest. I might add some snow but I’m not keen on using the flock stuff it, so it may just get left as it is*

I’ve also moved the other German late war tanks a bit closer to the finishing line and just need to add decals, paint the stowage and do some light weathering to wrap them up. I will also add some bases but may play around with the scenic effects to add something to tart them up a bit. I might have a break from kit bashing plastic tanks after that and do something else or just crack on with some Soviets including a couple of T34/85’s?

*I later decided just to remove the base and leave the model free standing!

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