What a Tanker! Wheels and Tracks

Aaaargh! I have just spent a couple of hours painting tiny black tyres on the Plastic Soldier Company Panzer IV’s and Armourfast Stugs, including the very tiddly wheel rims, most of which will be covered by bazooka plates anyway. This was far, far from enjoyable and I’m glad it’s over, as it almost evaporated my enthusiasm for 1/72nd scale model tank painting. I also painted the exhausts and tracks on all of the models, so it wasn’t entirely bad. At least I can now glue the tracks onto the Mark IV’s and then fix the hulls to the superstructures, leaving only the stowage and some weathering before I add the decals. I’ll be giving the What a Tanker! project a temporary break after that, give or take some terrain building. 

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Autor: J JackamanJim’s Wargames WorkbenchJim’s Wargames WorkbenchJim’s Wargames Workbench

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