Work-in-Progress Wednesday – 13 November 2024
I have cleared a LOT of stuff off the workbench this past week. I finished off all the Minatures for Crypt Hunters, and removed a BUNCH of others that I realistically just wasn’t going to be getting to any time soon… What remains are miniatures I’ll be needing for warhammer Quest: Cursed City – which we will hopefully be starting in a few weeks – and a few other things that I just couldn’t move off the bench – things that were just TOO CLOSE to being FINISHED and a few Warhammer Underworlds warbands I wanted to finish up. The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds is out this Saturday, and I’m hoping that will get us all playing again!
(Ugggghhhh… so much stuff out of focus…)
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Characters! I really only need to get ONE of these done, to get started, as I previously painted three of them… I think Dagni Holdenstock and Qualthis are the priorities… the Witch/Vampire Hunter next…
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Deadwalker Zombies – I could probably get away with only doing about half of them, as all of the Level 0 Encounter cards only have 2-3 Deadwalker Zombies… I guess if ALL FOUR Encounter cards were zombies, I might need them all…
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Corpse Rats
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Tokens – not 100% sure what most of these are even FOR!? and I’ve read most of the rules…!?
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Vyrkos Blood-Born – these aren’t as huge of a priority. There are three Encounter cards (of sixteen) that have a single Vyrkos Blood-Born show up at zero or first level (only ONE at level zero) so it is unlikely they’d show up… or I could even just leave out that one card.
I should probably dig out Gorslav the Gravekeeper as well…. Like with the Vyrkos, Gorslav only shows up on ONE Encounter Card. I could just leave it out if I don’t get him done in the next two weeks…
Saviors of Cinderfall (plus bonus gryph-hound) – there are stats for using them in Cursed City… also they’re just fun miniatures… I’m actually DONE three of them… just waiting to finish up the rest before posting them.
Thought they are kind-of-sort-of playable in Cursed City only Lyssa Revenya, Armand Callis, Hanniver Toll, and… Mistress Verentia, the Weaver of Whispers(!?) are useable on the table!? Valius, The Keeper Aqshian, and his Gryph-Hound Balthus, are represented in the game as cards that give some advantage, BUT can be in play if ALL FOUR of the other characters are used… including Mistress Verentia, the Weaver of Whispers!? It’s been a while since I listened to the Callis & Toll audiobook, but I don’t recall her being a fighty-action character!? I think they called upon her once… for some information…? I didn’t think she had all that much of a connection to the rest of the group?
Warhammer Underworlds – there has been SOME work on the Seraphon… not much (ANY) on the others. motivation to finish up the Gorechosen or Ylthari’s has dropped some as they cards for them won’t be available for at LEAST three more weeks… The Starblood Stalkers fighter cards were released as PDFs the other day, though… So I might try to finish them up by the end of the week!
By next week I may have others on the workbench – the two NEW warbands from Embergard… and maybe some others I have that aren’t painted but could be used…
I have been plucking away at the Awakened Wyldwood… regardless if I’m using the Sylvaneth, they’ll make nice terrain bits on any table!
Assorted Vampires and Heroes… These are in the So-close-I-should-really-just-finish-them-off-and-be-done-with-them category…
Assorted Chaos things that are also in the „So-close-I-should-really-just-finish-them-off-and-be-done-with-them“ category…
Slaanesh Endless Spells…
What will actually get done in the next week…? I’m hoping the Saviors of Cinderfal and the Priority Heroes from Cursed City… and I hope to at least get started on the deadwalker zombies and corpse rats and tokens and Vyrkos… maybe even finish up one of those…? As ever, we shall have to wait and see…
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