Work-in-Progress Wednesday (31 January 2024)
Here, once again, is the state of my workbench…
The usual mess of 40K Tallarn self-propelled artillery and Warhammer Underworlds warbands… and the odd other figure…
Nearly done the Basilisks (the big guns).. might finish off later today…? Hopefully finish up the Manticores (Multile-Rocket Launcher) by Friday…?
Two Warhammer Underworlds warbands closest to being finishes are Grinkrak’s Looncourt and Blackpowder’s Bucaneers…? I’ve done a bit of work on Hexbane’s Hunters and the Skaven… but what I’d REALLY like to work on next is Ephilum’s Pandemonium!
What’s everyone else working on!?
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