X-Wing Scenario: A TINDER MOMENT

As a Birthday treat I went to see the latest Star Wars film. Of course, I loved it and, as usual, it immediately led me to drool into my X-Wing cupboard. Indeed, it also led to some new purchases – the arrival of which are eagerly anticipated – including a well priced Tantive IV. In all likelihood, I’ll never get to play with most of my X-Wing stuff as interest among ‚The Lads‘ isn’t that strong, and I’ll be left to examine my X-Wing miniatures (about 80 of them) alone, muttering „The Force is with me; I am with the Force.“

I also remembered a scenario I’d written, largely based it must be said on one already done by Fantasy Games, back in April 2019 which wasn’t played or posted here. It was planned to be a trilogy. However it’s been so long since I started it I can’t exactly remember the original story arc. Perhaps I’ll get round to writing two more episodes later.

As I haven’t posted much recently, here it is, even though it’s possibly out of trilogy sequence (no Star Wars surprise there, then). Not my usual fare or interest, but I love a bit of Star Wars every now and again.  

BTW: Happy New Year, everyone!
Home made debri, escape pod and asteriod – all essential aesthetic additions for this scenario and partly why I wrote it.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away……..

………Rebel agent Tinder Caress switches frequencies before she tries the comms once more. “Come in Esege, do you read me? Come in Esege, are you out there?”

Sitting at the back of the escape pod, hands tied behind his back, Moff Diver scowls, and snarls between his teeth “Not going exactly as planned, is it, Tinder? You’ll never get me out of here, my men will find us first and then you’ll pay dearly for this.”

“I hear you Tinder. This is Esege and we have you on long range scanners. Tinder, do you have our prize?” splutters from the comms.

“At last! Yes, I have him but there’s a problem. The escape pod is not responding to the helm. We’re adrift and the ion radiation gauge has gone off the scale.”

“That follows.” Esege replies “You’re adrift in the Tandoori Asteroid Belt. It’s been a dumping ground for toxic waste for years and it’s spicy in there to say the least; we’ve seen it before and we have a solution. Hold tight Tinder, help is on the way. Keep your prisoner safe, he has information that makes him too valuable to lose.”

“Well, we’ll be here. We’re not going anywhere.”

An hour or so later, Moff Diver asks “May I stretch my legs?” 

Tinder nods, reminding him she is not to be trifled with by raising the muzzle of her blaster. He stands and moves towards a small viewport. As he does so the comms crackle into life once again.

“Tinder, we are almost with you. But damn it, Tinder, we are picking up enemy ships on our scanners. Man the helm, kid. We’ll give you engine power as quickly as we can. It will be sporadic, so stand by. Tandoori here we come: It’s squeaky bum time!”

At that moment Tinder and her captive see a green streak of imperial laser fire flash by the viewport. Moff Diver turns to her “Your mine now, scum.”

Tinder brings her foot up hard into his groin, sending him cringing to the floor. As she moves to the helm controls she adds with a curt smile “I’m just wondering how disposable an asset you are to your friends. Are they here to recue you, or kill you?” Moff Diver’s jaw drops slightly – that possibility hadn’t occurred to him……

Star Wars Fact: Moffs: In the fifth year of Emperor Palpatine’s reign, twenty Moffs were appointed as Sector Governors of the First Galactic Empire, answerable only to the Imperial Ruling Council. The Emperor’s favourite, Wilhuff Tarkin [see Peter Cushing] was appointed Grand Moff in the same year and was given command of the Death Star. Moff Diver is a fictional creation of my own.

Victory Conditions

If the rebels get the escape pod off the ‘exit to safety’ table edge (see deployment picture) before the Imperials have managed to destroy all of the rebel ships, the rebels win the game. Otherwise, the Imperials win.

Neither side may attack the escape pod carrying Tinder Caress and Moff Diver.

The Escape Pod

Tinder’s escape pod’s systems have been badly effected by ionising radiation emanating from toxic waste dumped in the Tandoori Asteroid Belt. The solution is to override the systems in the pod with the systems in the rebel ships.

To do this, a pilot must perform the Action TARGET LOCK on the pod. The pilot may attempt to override the pods systems, as part of the same or future Action, by expending his TARGET LOCK token whenever he is within range band 3 or less.

To check success, roll two ATTACK DICE. For each FOCUS result the pod receives a SCANNER Token. The pod can have a maximum of three tokens at any time.

At the start of the ACTIVATION phase (Tinder is pilot skill 0), if the pod has tokens, Tinder mustexpend one token to move either forward 1 or 2, or turn (not bank) 1. Tinder will always steer to avoid asteroids and debris clouds.

In the event of unforeseen damage being taken by the pod, it has 3 hull tokens.

The Tandoori Asteroid Belt and Ionising Debris Clouds

More home made debri – I posted about this when it was made, see the X-Wing label in the sidebar

The shape, size and position of obstacles (asteroids and debris) is defined, as per standard rules, by their token. The models of asteroids, debris clouds and their bases are purely aesthetic additions.

Asteroids are defined and treated as per the core rules.

Debris clouds are treated as asteroids with the following exceptions. On collision with a debris field the pilot immediately receives a STRESS token. One ATTACK DICE is rolled to determine damage: on a damage­ result the pilot receives one ion token; on a critical damage result the pilot receives one damage and one ion token.

Imperial Reinforcements
Keeping it nice and simple, especially for ‚reserve elements‘, is often best.

The Imperials always have the benefit of almost limitless resources to throw at any problem and this one is no different.

When an Imperial ship has been lost by either imperial player he will roll a single ATTACK DICE for reinforcements in the END phase of each turn. On a FOCUS result a reinforcing ship will arrive immediately. Reinforcements arrive within a range 3 radius of any playing space corner; they arrive facing toward the centre of the playing space.

There are a maximum of six reinforcement TIE fighters (flown by Obsidian Squadron pilots @13 points each) and a single Lambda Class Shuttle (flown by an Omicron Group pilot @21 points) that are close enough to reach the battle area in the time available. No ships have upgrades. To determine a random order of arrival the pilot cards for these ships should be shuffled and the deck placed face down; as a ship arrives its pilot card should be taken from the top of the deck.

Set-up, Initial Deployment Zones & Squadrons

I really did do all of this and then not play it. I even set it all up and take photos of it!

The playing surface for this game is 4’ x 4’. Eight large asteroids (using 18 tokens) and three large debris fields (using 5 tokens) have been deployed in this area.

Tinder’s escape pod has been deployed centrally and approximately 60 cm from the ‘exit to safety’ table edge but without a clear run to it – the rudimentary turns permitted to the pod will make the journey much longer.

Each side will begin in corners of the playing surface that face each other diagonally, one player’s ships in each corner. Ships must be initially deployed within a range 3 radius of their assigned table corner (the picture shows all ships deployed to their maximum radius).

The Imperial players have Sabre Squadron which comprises four of the best fighter pilots at the Empire’s disposal, flying well-armed, very fast and nimble TIE Interceptors. Black / Onyx Squadron is a combined task force of two lightly armed but nimble TIE Fighters and two more heavily armed TIE Aggressor escort ships mounting twin laser turrets (360 arc of fire) and missiles.

The Rebel Alliance players have Blue Squadron, led by Ten Numb, comprising three very well-armed and strongly built and shielded B-Wings; whilst all have proton torpedoes, Ten Numb’s ship is also fitted with a Flechette cannon. Esege Tuketu’s K-Wing strike force combines a K-Wing and two X-Wing escorts. The X-Wings are fitted with the usual proton torpedoes and carry R2 D2  astromechs for in flight repairs (Note: R2D2’s abilities are not unique for this scenario). Esege’s K-Wing is armed to the teeth with an assortment of weaponry and specialist crew, including bombs, mines, torpedoes and its standard armament of turret mounted lasers.

The picture above shows the layout for this scenario.

·       Tinder’s escape pod can be seen in the centre of the battle area.

·       The edge allowing Tinder’s escape pod to exit to safety is marked with a red line.

·       The four squadrons have been deployed out to their maximum radius. Deployment formation can be changed prior to play providing the radius is maintained.

Other Notes

It covers most things except the specific rules for bombs and missiles. Bombs are dropped immediately after the ships move dial is revealed. Connor Nets are dropped as an ACTION. 

Missiles and torpedoes are fired in the COMBAT phase. The effect of special weaponry is detailed on the squadron reference sheets below.

Two ACTIONS not covered in the rules or, except by their symbol in the ship’s action bar on the squadron sheets, are SLAM (available to the K-Wing), and BOOST (available to TIE Interceptors.
  • SLAM ACTION: (Sub Light Acceleration Motor). To SLAM, choose and execute a manoeuvre on the ships dial. The chosen manoeuvre must be the same speed as the one executed this round. Then assign the ship with a weapons disabled token which is removed in the END phase.
  • BOOST ACTION: To BOOST, choose and execute a forward 1; or bank 1; or turn 1 manoeuvre.

If you want a more detailed breakdown of the fleets, I have them as MS Word docs from the Squadron Builder site. Let me know (drop me an email – address in side bar) but, the points totals were as follows:

Sabre Squadron: 79
Onyx / Black Squadron: 50

Blue Squadron: 71 pts
Esege Tuketu’s K-Wing strike force: 71 pts

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Autor: JAMES ROACH / Olicanalad’s Games

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