Making 1/32 Scale Roman Buildings

Making 1/32 Scale Roman Buildings

  Four „city“ Roman buildings that I have been constructing this week.The figures are 1/30 scale King & Country civilians. Click on pictures to enlarge your view The past week has seen me in a flurry of miniature model construction as I have started making some of the buildings (and then some) for my Hannibal…


Digger Dogfight

Digger Dogfight

  I’ve been working away on the research for the first scenario in the Raben’s Ravens project, which features an evenly matched dogfight on 4th May 1918 between a ‚kette‘ of Abatros DVa scouts of Jasta 18 and a flight of Sopwith Camels from No.4 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps. The Australian War Memorial archives are…


Saucermen Studios: Grid City: Gothic Kickstarter Fully Funded!

Saucermen Studios: Grid City: Gothic is the perfect backdrop for your Grimdark battles and skirmish tables of 28-32mm miniatures. This highly detailed interconnecting, modular terrain system with industrial-gothic theme, can be used as stand-alone scenery, fully integrated into the existing Grid City terrain range and even combined with many Flatline City buildings. Combine diverse Powered by WPeMatico…


DITDC Skirmisher Musketeer Unit

DITDC Skirmisher Musketeer Unit

This is the second of nine units for the Death in the Dark Continent Nyamwezi army, a unit of six bases of musket armed skirmishers. The army list for the Generic Villagers allows you to swap out up to two units of spearmen for musketeers, which I opted to do for additional firepower. I will…


ASHES REBORN 2025 – DECKCHECK: #7 The Frostdale Giants (DEU/GER)

Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Weiter geht es mit den Deckchecks zu ASHES REBORN. Wir schauen uns heute das Deck The Frostdale Giants an. Viel Spaß 🙂 SCHAUT AUCH GERN IN DIE "ASHES PLAYER GERMANY – Gruppe" BEI FACEBOOK/META !!! ___________________________________________________________________ Wenn IHR…


Auf zur Hamburger Tactica 2025 – Deutschlands größte Tabletop Convention (Vorschau, Hallenpläne,TWS)

Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Ausführliche Geländebau-Tutorials, Techniken und Tipps findest Du in den TWS-Büchern bei Am 22. und 23. Februar 2025 findet im Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg wieder die Hamburger Tactica statt: Deutschlands größte Tabletop-Veranstaltung! Viel Spaß mit dieser kleinen aber feinen Vorschau…


French Force for Bolt Action – Redux

French Force for Bolt Action - Redux

Almost ten year ago, I painted up a force of early war French, nominally for Bolt Action (first edition!?). You can find them here: Early War French for Bolt Action (and a few weeks later I added a Renault R-35): French Renault R-35 I’ve pilfered the pictures from those posts to use in this one….


AHPC#3: Burgundians…or was it Romans?

I welcome you to my first post this year, and yes, I’m a little bit embarrassed myself. But what should I do? I was busy with important things. Like… procrastinating?Anyway, enough of that inane blubbering, on to the meat of the subject: Burgundians (no, not THOSE Burgundians, but those of the Nibelungen Saga) in 28mm…
