Warlord Games: New Blood Red Skies Aircraft Inbound, Plus New Victory at Sea Vessels!

Warlord Games: New Blood Red Skies Aircraft Inbound, plus New Victory at Sea Vessels!Fight in the skies and the high seas and grab your reinforcements here Powered by WPeMatico Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Wargame News and Terrain…


Sharp Katanas

Sharp Katanas

Finding the Kurosawa movie Ran on Prime last week prompted me to revisit my abandoned Samurai while I wait to buy more Quar. This got me thinking about rules, and what I want from a Samurai themed game. Ronin is a fine game, with lots of tactical nuance in the hand to hand, but perhaps…


Khurasan Miniatures: New 15mm Modern/ SciFi Guncase

Khurasan Miniatures: Khurasan Miniatures has released its latest terrain model, a 15mm guncase that’s perfect for modern or sci fi gaming. Available now. Powered by WPeMatico Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Wargame News and Terrain Blog / Wargame…


2mm One Hour English Civil Wargames

2mm One Hour English Civil Wargames

The original plan for the 2mm English Civil War project was to use the One Hour Wargames rules, adapted for the purpose from the Horse and Musket chapter. However, I’ve discovered that this has already been done for me, with a specific rejigging of the Pike and Shot rules for the civil war. This variant…


Autumn Offensive

Autumn Offensive

  The holidays are finally drawing to a close and it’s time to look forward to the plan for the next four months. The main thrust will be the 15mm Red Actions! AFSR army, which I’m going to break down into what I hope are manageable sections, painting up one infantry or cavalry unit and…




Hallo 🙂   Ich bin noch ganz neu bei X-Wing und hätte ein paar fragen.   1:Was ist X-Wing 2.5 und was verädert es?   2:Kann ich die alten Schiffe von X-Wing 2.0 dann       Immer noch benutzen? Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße aus Nordrhein-Westfalen. Powered by WPeMatico Dieser Artikel stammt von einer…


The Plastic Soldier Company: End of Summer Sale!

The Plastic Soldier Company: End of Summer sale! Many PSC kits, Siocast kits, Battlegroup books and spray paints (UK only) between 25% and 50% off Powered by WPeMatico Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Wargame News and Terrain Blog…


And so it begins … at last!

On Tuesday I was supposed to go to Guy’s Hospital Cancer Care Centre at London Bridge for my first session of radiotherapy treatment, but on Monday this was cancelled, and I was told that I would have to go to the hospital’s outstation (the Macmillan Dimbleby Cancer Care Centre) at Queen Mary’s Hospital on Wednesday…


RPG-a-Day 2023 – The End

RPG-a-Day 2023 - The End

Wrapping up that last few days of August…  29) Most Memorable ENCOUNTER Ehhhh… not really thinking of any… There was one Cthulhu game where the players were trying to be so gentlemanly and logical and talk sense to a VERY drunk bright young thing who just wanted to have fun and party some more and…


Rezension: MPD Psycho (Carlsen Manga/Hayabusa) – Horror und Psychothriller kombiniert im Krimi

Rezension: MPD Psycho (Carlsen Manga/Hayabusa) – Horror und Psychothriller kombiniert im Krimi

Der ero-guro Manga (zusammengesetzt aus erotic und grotesque – hier wird u. a. Sadomasochismus und Verstümmelung thematisiert) MPD Psycho, was für Multiple Personality Disorder, aber auch für Multiple Personality Detective steht, wurde 1997-2016 in Japan veröffentlicht. 2022 brachte Carlsen/Hayabusa den Titel nach Deutschland. Wir schauen uns den ersten Band genauer an. Dieser Beitrag wurde von…
