2017 in Review (Short Version)

Der Alte Fritz gets down to the business of defeating the Dervish. Well, 2017 is just about gone and we are heading into a new year tomorrow. It seems like a good time to summarize some of the highlights of the year for me and for this blog. I might do a longer version, with…


Happy New Year 2018

Happy New year! Another year and another Batch of Bods, nags and accoutrements finished. Slightly down on 2016´s prodution rate but still not bad. Approximately 312  bods, 68 nags (with and without Mounted bods) 4 guns, 9 trolls, 4 fire demons, a catapult, a stack of  ACW Terrain, roads, walls, rivers, Bridge etc and an…


Happy New Year

I wish you folks a happy and very successful 2018! May all your wishes come true!  Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Tuffskull’s world of painting an photography Tuffskull’s world of painting an photography Tuffskull’s world of painting an…


New Year’s resolution for 2018

New Year’s resolution for 2018

Again it is time for my new year’s resolution in our hobby. But first, let’s start with a quick recap of 2017. Because it was a great year of wargaming! 2017 – a Review 2017 was a great year in the hobby for me. I finished all the miniatures and terrain pieces for my Pulp…


DDK Jahresrückblick 2017

Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Der Kleine KriegerDer Kleine KriegerDer Kleine KriegerDer Kleine Krieger Powered by WPeMatico


[100][DF] Bomber Bros

Hey ho, ich habe endlich auch mal wieder eine Liste gefunden, die mir Spaß macht UND die auch gar nicht übel zu sein scheint. Paar mal getestet und für ziemlich cool befunden. „Elitepilot der Purpur-Staffel“ (27) Flugbahn-Simulator (1) Abwurfsilos (2) Protonenbomben (5) Sensorcluster (2) Deflektorpanzerung (1) Captain Nym (Rebel) (30) Veteraneninstinkte (1) Zwillingslasergeschütz (6) Sabine…


2017 Retrospect

2017 Retrospect

Happy New Year !!! …2018 are just to start in a few hours and I bring you a summery of 2017 for my blog. I hope you have liked my posts during the year even if I had a lower blogpost output than erlier years. The wargaming year 2017 in numbers… 1 Cow painted.1 My…
