2017 Retrospect

2017 Retrospect

Happy New Year !!!

…2018 are just to start in a few hours and I bring you a summery of 2017 for my blog. I hope you have liked my posts during the year even if I had a lower blogpost output than erlier years.

The wargaming year 2017 in numbers…

1 Cow painted.
1 My first wargaming rules published with my matey Dan Mersey, The Pikeman´s Lament.
1 Contributed to the Swedish Army Museum Wargaming Exebition.
1 My name in the Empire of Eagles wargaming rules
1 Article published in Wargames Illustrated
1 Trip to Hamburger tactica, realy nice wargaming event.
1 Trip to Salute, Running the awardwinning „Battle at Fort Mosquito 1655“ demonstration game with master terrainbuilder Jan. Thanks to Collin, Andy, Jesper and Steve that helped out during the day !
2 Salute 2017 Awards, The Bill Brewer Best Table Memorial Award AND The Robert Bothwell Best Historical Game Memorial Award, for our demonstration game „Battle at Fort Mosquito 1655“
2 Dogs painted
2 Pigs painted
3 Guns painted
4 Geese painted
4 Canoes painted
5 Boats painted
8 Articles published in Wargames Soldiers and Strategy
8 Houses build and painted, all for the Wargaming Exebition at the Swedish Army Museum
14 AAR´s published on my blog
20 monunted minis painted
92 Blogposts
375 foot minis painted
594 Followers ! Thank you very much to you all !!! and especially thanks to the 48 new one that signed up during 2017, very appreciated !
900 000+ page vievs sins I started this blog in 2010

Here comes some pictures from the the wargaming year.

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