2023: the Year of Unexpected Projects
2023 Review – I’ve painted a bit more than previously shown
Second Xmas Presents
North of Madrid: Bonus Festive Game
The MF&FMLR model railway project: The River Thames (Part 1)
Bryan Ansell

Nunca antes he publicado ninguna entrada similar con nadie en el blog pero esta vez me veo obligado a hacerlo. Tristemente ayer día 30 de Diciembre de 2023 falleció el señor Bryan Ansell. Supongo que si eres habitual de este blog no hará falta de decir quien es. Solamente queda decir que acompaño en el…
An Adventure with Pirates – The Tribesmen

In amongst Malcom’s excellent painted Pirates, were these fab figures. I can only guess that Malcom painted these figures up generically, to represent either South American or African tribesmen? The figures are infact Copplestone Castings and are Ngoni Tribesmen from their Darkest Africa range. Most of the figures have a brilliant headdress I think…
Timpo ACW Union Army Reinforcements

54mm Timpo plastic toy soldiers. These are „recasts“ of the original figures. I found a source for Timpo 54mm toy soldier size (1/32 scale) figures to add to my Union American Civil War forces. Timpo has been out of business for ages and someone(s) have recast new plastic figures off of the original toy…