Wargames Atlantic: New Plastic Aztec Sprues Preview!

Wargames Atlantic: Aztecs! They’ve finished tooling and the first test shots have been quickly snapped on the factory floor. These will go into production along with the Conquistadors. There will be five of these sprues in each box for 30 figures. There is no release date yet but we assume sometime in late December or…


Lieblingsspiel Summoners – ein Fest für Taktiker & Strategen (Tabletop, Review, TWS)

Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Eines meiner liebsten Tabletop-Spiele ist "Summoners" von NeverRealm Industry. Was "Summoners" so besonders macht und warum es eines der meiner Meinung nach besten Taktik- und Strategiespiele überhaupt ist, erfahrt Ihr in diesem Video – viel Spaß! Den Tabletop…


Suche Zinn Orks der 2ten Edition

Ich bin aktuell auf der Suche nach Ork Minis, Fahrzeuge usw. der 1sten und 2ten Edition. Dabei such ich vA Zeug aus Zinn, Zustand egal solang es entfärbbar ist. Einiges hab ich bereits, aber suche teilweise auch mehrmals, also schreibt mir einfach mal falls ihr was habt, bevorzugt gleich mit Preisvorszellung. Falls ihr eine kleinere…


MiG Alley Night Action

MiG Alley Night Action

It’s a bit too cold in the garage for painting, so I’m moving into the kitchen for some MiG Alley games instead, in which I’ll be trying out some of the night fighters and attack aircraft for both the NKAF and USAF. The game I’ll be setting up to play tomorrow will include a couple…


10mm Napoleonic additions

10mm Napoleonic additions

 Finished the final four battalions of Strogonov’s 1st Grenadier Division from Tuchov’s Russian 3rd corp for 1812. Getting there with Konovnitzin’s 3rd infantry and depending on who’s OOBs are used I will add a bit more artillery. Figures are Pendraken and Magister Militum 10mm, each unit is a standard battalion with one circular Jager brigade…


Hail Caesar Objective Marker – Druid With Roman Spoils

Hail Caesar Objective Marker - Druid With Roman Spoils

 Used some left-over/spare stuff to make an objective marker for an upcoming Hail Caesar game. The figure and imago are from Warlord Games and the shields (with LBMS transfers), eagle and standard are Victrix parts. The „SPQR“ on the standard is a decal from Battle Flag. I kept the Druid’s attire in simple colors –…


Eldar Rangers

Once in a blue moon I feel like doing some Sci-Fi stuff, preferably set in GW’s Warhammer 40k universe. Even if the chance of me playing one of their rulesets is impossibly remote, I still am quite a fan of the setting. Or at least of the setting as it was about 10 years ago……


Avatars of War: Black Friday Sale – Discounted Fantasy Dwarfs!

Avatars of War: Black Friday and Great news! After years of being discontinued, DWarf King’s Guard Regiment is back on stock: this Classic and Iconic regiment will be a great addition to your Old School Collection. Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst….
