
Etruscan ADLG Game

Etruscan ADLG Game

  Above are some 2nd Class Etruscan infantry that I’ve just finished painting. Figures are by Gorgon Studios with LBM shield transfers. On Friday afternoon Garry came over and we played an Etruscan ADLG game out in the shed and these figures got a run. The two armies represented city states which I randomly decided…


Not Quite Madrid

Not Quite Madrid

This game was set up for our regular Quarterly Shedquarters meet up. The game was supposed to be Ottomans v Austrians, but I had some supply problems (which I may write about later) so the kit I wanted wasn’t ready. I therefore needed a substitute.  Chris K and I talked about using NQM to run…


[Shatterpoint] Regelwerke und FAQs

Hier die aktuellen Regelwerke in Deutsch und Englisch, sowie aktuellen FAQs & Errata Grundregelwerk Englisch: Grundregelwerk Deutsch: FAQ & Errata Englisch: FAQ & Errata … Powered by WPeMatico Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: RogueLeader /…


Warhammer Underworlds – Back on Sundays

Warhammer Underworlds - Back on Sundays

After missing a Sunday or two, Nic and Orion were back this past Sunday to play some more four-player games of Warhammer Underworlds!  It felt like forever, but it was really only two weeks since they’d been by to play… but it was two weeks between that and the previous game, too, so…? Maybe that’s…


Wizard? Artist? Maybe BOTH!?

Wizard? Artist? Maybe BOTH!?

  Wizard? Painter? Maybe a bit of BOTH!?  Sometime ago I picked up four different versions of this wizard/painter from Hasslefree miniatures. All four use the same dolly and are in, more or less, the same pose. The others are all wearing more clothes. Two of them also hold a paintbrush one is in Rennaisance…


Waffen der Fremdenlegion (1872-1927)

Französisch-Nordafrika 1872-1927, Waffen der FremdenlegionHerunterladen SARGE’S CORNER Seid gegrüßt, Dioramenbauer, Kriegsspieler und hobby nerds aller Art. Künftig findet ihr in hier auf Franks toller site unter dem Programmpunkt Sarge’s Corner eine wachsende Reihe von Texten, die ich (ebendieser Sarge) in jahrelanger Recherche erstellte, um in einer Art Waschzettel oder Kurzanleitung essentielle Informationen zum download zu finden,…


Prepping for Partizan

Prepping for Partizan

I can’t make Partizan this year, so Chris K is flying the flag for the Northamptonshire Battlefields Society, assisted by Steve and Vincent. Chris is taking a quick fire game featuring 5th Northants Regiment in WW2. This one is about the attempt to clear the Argento Gap, in the Po Valley in Italy during 1945….


PP Italian Infantry

PP Italian Infantry

 Just a quick look at my Italian desert infantry, which I previewed as part of the Italian Pocket Army post. In the main they are advancing riflemen with some LMG stands, plus some Bersaglieri. I think in total I’ve only actually got eighteen pure infantry stands, but coupled with all the HQs, engineers, support weapons…
