13th c. Teutonic Order Bishop (Crusades against Prussia 1230 - 1283) (Styriwar Kickstarter)

13th c. Teutonic Order Bishop (Crusades against Prussia 1230 – 1283) (Styriwar Kickstarter)


Hello friends!

Thanks to the courtesy of Styriwar, I received a large number of medieval 3D prints, which can now be supported on Kickstarter.

Styriwar’s Kickstarter offers 28mm 3D-printable 12th/13th c. Crusaders -over 120 knight variants, men-at-arms and peasantry.

I prepared the Bishop first, in the painting of the Teutonic Order. I have a large number of Teutonic models, so another bishop will be useful 🙂

Below is also a comparison photo with a few other manufacturers.

I love the Middle Ages, the Crusades and the end of the era, so painting figurines reflecting this period is always a pleasure for me!

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Autor: / DwarfCrypt
