AHPC11 Donnybrook - 25mm Ottoman Command

AHPC11 Donnybrook – 25mm Ottoman Command


My new project has finally been started!
25mm Ottoman Turks and Yes they’re for Donnybrook!
These are quite obviously some Command and standards, who I thought, would be a great start.

The figures and flags are from the most excellent Warfare Miniatures. 
To be total honest I’m not an expert on the Ottomans at all so back in 2019, I asked Mr Hilton to work out some Donnybrook army lists for me, which he did. 
Then he offered these lists out for customers to buy.
So these 5 figures are the start of my Donnybrook, 4 point Ottoman infantry army.
Here’s what my army will be made from
Ottoman Infantry Force
Unit if Elite Jannissaries armed with flintlock muskets 4 models
Unit of Drille Tufeckci musketeers arned with matchlock muskets 8 models
Unit of Recruit Segban musketters armed with matchlock muskets 12 models
Unit of Recruit Irregulars – Anatolian or Balkan with improvised handweapons 12 models
Easy one for the points in this post.
5 x 25mm figures = 25 points

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