Boba Fett for Legion!

Hi all!
Well, it’s been quiet as HELL lately… work and life have been a bit overwhelming, and I’ve spent a lot of time on Red Dead Redemption lately, sooo…
But I have enjoyed painting up some Legion troops (well, not the Stormtroopers, but…) so I thought I would post!
Here is one of the few heroes I’ve painted… Boba Fett!  I didn’t want to have him on that clear base, so I just matched up the height using rocks, and then pinned him to it.  I also left the flames off of the packback.

I did go a bit simple with his paintjob… I didn’t go over the top on weathering or anything… because I think they look better when they are sharp.
Anyway… I’m happy with how he turned out… hopefully some more bounty hunters are on the way!  And in the meantime, I’ll paint what I can:)

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