Bright Elves

Bright Elves

 It’s been a while since I last posted anything. I was painting 15mm ancient Iberians but I lost a bit of interest. I’m not surprised considering how long they took to get from the UK to Australia. The amount of time sapped my enthusiasm considerably. 

Instead I’ve been doing more Oathmark Elves ~ Again ~ I also did a fair bit of re-basing.

This time I wanted to avoid the „standard“ blue, white, green, grey elfin colour schemes. I wanted something brighter with a bit more visual impact. So I opted to give them darker mail topped with shining polished armour. This included turning the chest-symbol thing on the figures into a solid metal breastplate. I just used a bit of greenstuff and smoothed it over.

I also wanted to give them bright panoply to offset the darker overall colouring. In this case I decided on a sun motif with bright yellow and orange. This ties in well with the yellow and red colours of their uniforms.


I had a think about what I wanted to do with all the elves and goblins I’ve been painting throughout the year and I decided I want to play big battles with them. So I decided that having them based individually was a bit awkward and made large formations difficult. So I re-based them all. It took a while. Here are some pics of the converted cavalry figures I did last month. I made 4 more figures to bring them up to 12 and re-based them onto 50x50mm bases.

No More Love for Blogger

Another reason for not posting for a while is because I really dislike the modifications (upgrade?) that were made to the Blogger interface. It’s now awkward to use and it’s not as intuitive as it was. I don’t really like working on Blogger anymore and I’m considering ending this blog. I would prefer to keep it going but I don’t enjoy doing it any more because of the changes.

I would like to migrate the blog elsewhere but I’m not sure what to do. Any advice would be welcome.

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