28mm Italian Wars Gendarmes and AHPC

This year, as in the previous two I am taking part in the Analogue Hobbies Winter Paint Challenge, a Group of gamers and painters from across the world who get together, in a virtual sense, once a year. The idea is part competition, with points tables, side duels and part collective support of like minded…


This Jungle is Rubbery…

With the big jungle bits done, the bamboo complete, some native residencies finished and the low level jungle on the way, my thoughts turned to the next phase of the project, where I want to make some colonial buildings for… Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem…


Party Like It’s 1756

This evening the local power company bestowed a power outage on Hesse Seewald.  So we made the best of it by lighting a fire in the fireplace for both warmth and light in the room. We also collected all of the candles and candle sticks in the house and lit them in parts of the…


Sails of Glory

I had a very enjoyable game of Sails of Glory at the club this evening, my first game of the year and my first at the club for months. The game was umpired by the ever generous Gary, who did an excellent job of explaining the rules before the French and British fleets sailed into…


Armée polonaise au XVIIème siècle

Ready to fire?           Prêts à faire feu?        Gotowy do strzału? La marche turque sur Vienne, la Pologne se mobilise en ces jours cruciaux…The Turkish March on Vienna, Poland is mobilized in these crucial days … Nouveaux hussards ailés, avec à leur tête Jean Sobieski, roi et héros national polonais.New…


Stacking the Deck

I’ve now printed off the deck of turn cards for the Bag the Hun Bogeys Over Berlin play test game next week, so will get them laminated to protect them from the player’s grubby little fingers, as some of them are particularly grubby. In the past I have either just printed the cards then stuck…


Front Rank Late Medievals

Whilst rooting about in the loft I stumbled upon another long forgotten project,  Some Fantastic Front Rank Late Medieval Miniatures from their Wars of the Roses range.  I have painted them up as Eastern Europeans from the Corvinus Family.  The mounted Nobleman has had a moustache added.  As I have no use for these figures…


Bamboo. A Pleasant Surprise

There are some aspects of terrain modelling that come as a surprise; sometimes for good reason, sometime for bad.  I usually find this occurs when I am over confident, I rush things and they go wrong.  But sometimes stuff you… Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem…


Special Delivery Axis Adaptations

I set about re-jigging the Special Delivery scenario yesterday with the aim to increase the Italian fighter complement from six to nine aircraft in three sections of three planes each. This meant identifying named pilots of 73 Squadriglia for each of the aircraft. To do this I dipped into a new book that I didn’t…


Celtic Shields II

Here are the shields from the last post with the LBMS transfers applied- I love LBMS transfers! I’ve found I can apply around 20 an hour, whilst watching TV. A couple of learning points that people might find useful: All sculpted metal shields are asymmetrical, to some extent, so take plenty of time checking that…
