Clue Tokens

Clue Tokens

 Not a lot going on here, hobby-wise. I’ve been pretty busy with the Birbs of Saskatchetoon project. 

I’ve worked on a few things… but haven’t really finished much up. I

 did finish one or two things… but thought I should wait until I have the rest of the unit finished… 

Haven’t even been playing many games…. 

Here is SOMETHING, though… 

I finished up a few Clue/Treasure tokens. 

One… or… maybe two… of them might have been done for some time, I’m only just getting around to posting them now. 

I’ve been rebasing more Eldar a lot lately – and a have a few minis I’m working to finish up (to complete units) Maybe when I’m done a few more – or finished the entire force (that I have painted so far) done I’ll post pictures of those. 

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