Enfilade 2023 - Friday Games

Enfilade 2023 – Friday Games

Here are some pictures of the games on Friday afternoon and Friday night at our „big“ annual convention, Enfilade. I say „big“ because it is supposedly the biggest historical gaming convention on the Westcoast (USA), but much smaller than those out east like Historicon. I ran my Bolt Action Western Desert game with 7 players in the first period on Friday afternoon. As usual, players never do what you expect, and it only at the start of turn 6 and reminding the DAK players that their victory condition was to overrun or pass the static British lines that one of them did just that.  It seems most players just like to shoot up or assault the enemy. Anyway, on to the pictures. Also, I’ll post pictures of the games from the rest of the weekend on the next post. Oh, and it’s been great seeing old friends, including our Canadian brethren. 

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Autor: DeanM / WAB Corner

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