English Men-At-Arms 13th-14th Century – Strelets (conversions)
The OOB set has 12 poses to which I´d added two conversions already, as can be seen HERE
Back then I reckoned at least another 4 conversions were possible…so here they are.
Back then I reckoned at least another 4 conversions were possible…so here they are.
Left.The obvious and not much of an conversion, swopping the flag for a spear.
Right. Adding a halberd from the MiniArt French Knights with Assault Ladders set to the trumpeter was a bit more complicated.
Left. As the pole of the halbard is quite thin the head breaks off easily which means either replacing it or converting the bod into another role..here as a staff slinger.
Right. Spear removed and replaced with an axe, heater type shield added
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Autor: Paul´s BodsPaul´s BodsPaul´s BodsPaul´s Bods
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