Goblin Scouts
Some wolf riders and swarms of goblin skirmishers seemed to me to be the way to go to fill this gap. I was bemoaning the closure of Sergeant Major Miniatures and the Mad Padre’s and mine inability to get a last order in to a gaming friend at work. He says „I’ve got goblins. I could let you have some.“
So the next week he brings in a big bag of Moria goblins that had been given a basic 3-colour paint job and some sand. For 10 I picked out two 6-figure scout groups, going heavy on the Brian Froud style helmets because they amuse me. I also included two spear carrying goblins in each unit because of the scouts Frodo and Sam encounter in Mordor.
In an evening I finished the painting (especially covering the green skin!) and basing.
This I hope will give the Angmar side some more tactical options. Now I just need wolf riders.
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Autor: JamesRabbits In My BasementRabbits In My BasementRabbits In My Basement
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