Happy Fourth of July

„Traffic Jam“ at the Battle of Cheraw.
Fife and Drum Miniatures and photo  editing by Chris Gregg.

I want to wish all of my blog readers and customers a happy Fourth of July holiday. I hope that you have time to spend with your family and friends today and enjoy some fireworks tonight.

We are having 22 people coming to Schloss Seewald today for a party and yours truly is taking the role as head grill master. I hope that part works out well as I’m still a bit of a tenderfoot at the grill station.

Lelia and I usually start the day by going to the Lake Bluff July 4th Parade. Here are some pictures from previous years‘ parade to give you a general idea of how this all goes down:

Union Civil War colour guard always leads off the parade.

The world famous Lake Bluff Precision Lawnmower Team now in their 47th year.

Americans love Pipe and Drum bands

Nathaniel Greene sends his regards for a happy holiday.

The Father of Our Country, George Washington

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