Hasslefree Dwarves

Hasslefree Dwarves

 Man the weather has been awful of late. I always seem to be at work when its decent weather and its dull. grey or stormy when I am home and have time to take some pics! I managed to snap a few this morning though as per the norm it is brighter as I am writing this post! 

For the 7TV day earlier in the month I needed to paint up some more figures as most my Fantasy stuff I have that is painted is sort of a bit scattershot and nothing had a consistent theme. I’d picked up a few bits from Hasslefree/Crooked Dice last year and it was a bit of toss up between Dwarves or Goblins. However Goblins would of meant painting 13 figures vs the Dwarves 6. With time being short the Dwarves won out!

Annoyingly I have misplace the shields for two of the Dwarves I put them somewhere safe so I could paint the backs of the figures but for the life of me I can’t bloody find them! I will have to sort out some replacements as the ones in my bits box were to big unfortunately

These two should have shields on there backs but have been misplaced in fact this pic is blurry so will be replaced when I get five!

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Autor: Simon Quinton / Brummie’s Wargaming Blog

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