LOTR Campaign - Back from the annuals of time.

LOTR Campaign – Back from the annuals of time.

Two years have passed since the last game but Lord of the Rings Campaign is back…..

My secret Wargaming Friend has been amassing more troops for both sides and is keen to throw them into the battle for Middle Earth.

Using the map from the LOTR Risk game and a mechanism lifted directly from the Classic Diplomacy orders are given for each of the forces in play. Each counter represents a maximum of up to 200 points within the Infamy Infamy rules.

Reinforcements are mustered every three months, with each territory worth 10 points and a bonus 50 points if you hold all of a region.

At the moment the good guys (Red) are under pressure on all fronts. In the south the Rohan have been pushed back into Helm’s Deep as Orc armies mass to their front. Remnants of Human and Elven forces dodge larger Orc forces in Rhun and Rhovanion looking to clear them from the region and gain bonus points.

We have three battles to fight this round.

  • Orc’s pour out of Moria attacking Eregion where the defenders take to the field to hold their advance. (Red 195 v Blue 200)
  • The Orc’s in the Borderlands follow up attacking the remnants of the previous round regrouping at Weathertop. (Red 88 v Blue 177)
  • Further Orcs advance into the Borderlands to be met by reinforcements coming out of Eriador (Red 195 v Blue 200)
Let’s hope that 2 years coming out of Covid has helped the good guys win a game….
First up the clash in the Borderlands.

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Autor: Stuart S / Dust, Tears & Dice

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