McFarlane Black Templar Space Marine - Abhor the Witch.

McFarlane Black Templar Space Marine – Abhor the Witch.

Sticking with the black armor with bluish-white highlighting like the earlier Order of Our Martyred Lady Sister of Battle, did up this Black Templar.

The edging does look a little strong – and not necessarily highlighting, but leaving it as is for now.

The purity seal is another separate piece from ebay. It actually came as a freebie with a weapon order.

A fairly simple paint job, with the Maltese crosses on the pauldrons and helmet being the standouts.

This is likely the last Space Marine in this type of armor I’ll paint up. However, I do have several pre-ordered figures in Phobos armor that are supposed to be released in December. I also ordered a couple of of Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol sets – couldn’t pass up the discounted price on ebay and Amazon. Plan to paint them up in black armor too.

I’m running out of shelf space for these big figures, but they’re kind of fun to paint up. Anyway, thanks again for stopping by and checking out the blog. Oh, and I am playtesting a Black Powder Austrian vs. Bavarian Napoleonic game my buddy James is hosting this Friday. Will post pictures when done. Until next time, best wishes to you all!

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Autor: DeanM / WAB Corner

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