Nilbogs Goblins scale shots 28mm and 15mm

All this month of May 2020 every order shipped out from Alternative Armies automatically gets a free gift included. The gift is a pack of ten miniatures.  OH1 Nilbogs Goblin Band which are great for many different uses.  See them HERE on our Orc and Goblin Horde page.  While meant for 28mm scale tabletop gaming they can also fit in with other scales such as 15mm and after being asked to give some examples of these we are happy to present the following pictures.  
As with all images on our blog you just have to click on them to make them larger.  All of the codes featured in these fifteen pictures can be found on the website by typing the code as it appears into the search box.  Enjoy!

Now that is a lot of miniature fun right there!
If you want to read the article about Nilbog and the month long offer you can find it HERE.
Thanks for Reading,

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