Old Wine in New Bottles

Old Wine in New Bottles

I’ve been playing Bag the Hun for years, right the way back to when the first edition was published in 2003, but have kept my original pdf copy of the second edition rules in the same tatty folder since printing it out in 2010.

The folder is now way too small and the pockets are splitting at the seams, so when my other half bought me some nice new 200 page plastic folders in France as requested, I decided to replace the crappy old one with a nice, shiny new one. 

I now have my much scribbled in and well thumbed rules neatly sorted in a bigger, better clear plastic folder with plenty of space to add more sheets in the future. I really should have done this ages ago but at least I’ll have the rules ready for the next club game.

Tally Ho! 

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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench

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