P47D over Normandy 1/72 build

Allied Fighter aircraft II – P-47 over Normandy 1944 build II

I want to build specific aircraft to the allied and axis air support of operation Cobra and the breakout east through Mayenne to Le Mans then the push north to close the Falaise pocket. So research first for squadrons etc who flew in the area in support of the US troops, English, Canadian and Polish troops plus those who bombed and strafed the retreating germans through the pocket area.

I build all of my kits in the wheels up mode, and add a hole in the bottom for my plane bracket to fit into, this then mounts on my WWI/SCW canvas eagles telescopic stands. On the new table I am thinking about a mount that plugs into the edge of the permanent table and can swivel and be set at different heights. I also like to add pilots, as most kits do not supply these I need to hunt around my friends who build static kits or buy resin or even metal pilots.

Up for my second build is an 1/72nd Academy P-47D. A little longer build on this one, a beautiful kit with very little clean up though. This time I did not forget to paint the interior, before assembly. I will place the pilot in when I paint him, in the next few days, then I paint the rest of the plane.

Painting to come when some paints arrive from MIG, as I am trying the new real colours on my allied aircraft to see how it performs.

USAF squadrons
389th Fighter Squadron
P47D „jenny rebel“ 42-76347
P-47-366fg-thruxon.jpg (600×336)
84th Fighter Squadron 
P-47 D Thunderbolt 84th Squadron by garoquel
56th Fighter group

82nd Fighter Squadron


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