Presentation of Colours

Presentation of Colours

I got a couple of batches of the Hät figures completed recently. 

A 2 group Formation of Grenadiers with 2 Big Men which made their tabletop debut last weekend.

Can also be a Converged Grenadier battalion in Black Powder or General d’Armee

2 stands of colour parties and a group of Fusiliers plus 3 Big Men. 

Added to existing groups. Can also be two battalions for Black Powder or General d’Armee

The Colour Party stands will join existing groups, so I’ve essentially produced a third 2 Group Formation of fusiliers.

The Hät junkers come with lovely molded on flags which would be a right bugger to try and paint. 

So I cut them off. Drilled out the hands and added wire flag poles. Fortunately having the hands as separate pieces facilitated the conversion. 

Elements of Colour Party; Junker with flag, drummer and Sapper

The flags were downloaded and printed from To get the details and resolution the flags are quite big, and you have to reduce them before printing. I opted for 80%. I should probably have reduced the flags to 75% or possibly even 70%, but I’m not going to lie, I like big flags. Flags are a huge part of the appeal of horse and musket games after all. 

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Autor: James / Rabbits In My Basement

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