Strength and Honour Roman Legions
Legio I Adiutrix |
The first of these was an Imperial Roman army for Trajan’s Parthian campaigns, which was very much a core force as it only has two legions, Legio I Adiutrix and Legio XV Appolinaris. I think I now need to expand this army to include the other four legions – Legio II Traiana, Legio III Cyrenaica, Legio XII Fulminata and Legio XVI Flavia – as well as adding an Ala of cavalry or two.
I have a legion base and blocks spare and enough cavalry blocks for at least one base, so that’s not a bad start. I could also add some skirmishers, although I think I have enough auxiliary units for the moment. This expanded army will be the one that I can use to try out the rules before I move onto the Parthian army, which may also need a bit of a boost with some additional horse archers bases.
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Autor: Jim Jackaman / Jim’s Wargames Workbench
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