DARK AGE – The Forsaken forces of Saint Joan
While the vast bulk of the models for Dark Age are spectacular, St Joan came under quite a bit of fire when she was released, because she didn’t rally look like her badass artwork and it seemed her limbs were a little out of proportion. I wanted to have a go at bringing her „up to code“ and so I tweaked a few things. You can see those tweaks in the photos below. I think it all worked out quite well.
I loved the color schemes of some of the Studio models, but wanted to see something more cohesive across the force, so I carried the main colors through from the St Joan model. The armor is a base of P3 Coal Black, highlighted up by gradually mixing in VMC Light Grey.
For the Furies, I tried to follow the Studio scheme very closely; using true metallics, however, rather than the NNM.
And finally for this batch I added in a set of Coils. My client is very happy to be able to add these to his currently template-heavy St Isaac force, too.
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Autor: davetaylordavetaylorminiaturesdavetaylorminiaturesdavetaylorminiatures
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