„Fetch Your Explosives.“

 „We’re going to seal the cave.“
These three 28mm scale white metal models of some ’savage Simian Minions straight from the lab‘ are produced by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and can be bought either separately under code SKU: MINI 98 or as part of their Simian Minions four-figure collection SKU: DEAL 39. The miniatures were initially primed with two coats of „Citadel“ Abaddon Black, before being enthusiastically dry-brushed in Vallejo“ Heavy Charcoal.

Each Ape with Baton was then drenched in „Citadel“ Nuln Oil, and had their trousers and sleeves pigmented using a combination of „Vallejo“ Heavy Violet and „Citadel“ Druchii Violet. The gorillas‘ faces, ammunition belts, rifles and straps were treated to a layer of „Vallejo“ Heavy Sienna, whilst the soldiers‘ wooden sticks were painted using some Charred Brown. Finally, all of these areas were later shaded using „Citadel“ Agrax Earthshade, and the firearms given a little „Vallejo“ Gunmetal and „Citadel“ Nuln Oil.

„And you will both stand trial for heresy.“
It’s probably been a good couple of years since I last tackled any of these particular „7TV“ sculpts, so was rather pleased to recently find them partially-painted and gathering dust in my somewhat significantly-sized „Crooked Dice Game Design Studio“ collection. The figures were actually finished piecemeal whenever I was waiting for my heavily detailed Napoleonic miniatures to dry, or simply needed a break from all the collars, cuffs and straps of the „Wargames Foundry“ models I’m currently somewhat obsessed with.

I know I have plenty more lurking around my hobby room, many of which are armed with rifles as opposed to clubs, so do plan to hunt around for a few more when I can. As with last month’s classic „Doctor Who“ Sea Devils by „Black Tree Design“, I’ve found them to be an excellent distraction from the much more time-consuming painting projects I’m presently progressing. Furthermore, I do find my hobby mojo to be refreshed every time I complete a model – no matter whether its part of my monthly plan or not.

„Warlord Games“ WIPs – The majority of Marshal Ney has now been base-layered 
Alongside these wonderful „Planet Of The Apes“ inspired miniatures, I have also managed to make some in-roads on a figure I’ve had sat in front of me since this time last year. This 28mm metal Marshal Ney is a freebie which comes with the „A Clash Of Eagles“ Black Powder supplement book by „Warlord Games“, and was acquired with the much appreciated assistance of rules-guru Roger Gerrish.

I wasn’t planning on using anything other than „Wargames Foundry“ models for my Napoleonic Black Powder battles – and that intention probably still holds true. But the „Bravest of the Brave“ is a pretty good match for the Perry Twins‘ old range, so I thought he might be put to use for some Silver Bayonet shenanigans by „Osprey Games“. Quite possibly as delirious French military commander fleeing the Russians, who could then replace the Hobgoblin in the rule-book’s opening scenario..? 

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