Happy Thanksgiving & a Few Perry WotR Mtd Characters

Here are several Perry Wars of the Roses mounted characters which I picked up from my buddy Ron back in September at a Lion Rampant game day. They consist of figures from the Yorkist and Lancaster packs – only five figures as he must’ve kept the cool sword raised Edward IV figure. He sold them to me without the horses, so I ordered some of the plastic horses from the Perrys‘ accessories range. The figures were actually painted several weeks ago, but I just received the order of horses a few days ago. Here they are with a previously painted Queen Margaret figure.

Left to right: Herald with a majestic-looking Henry VI; Duke of Somerset with Queen Margaret prior to the Battle of Tewkesbury; Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and his standard bearer at the Battle of Barnet.
The plate barding on Henry VI’s and the Earl of Warwick’s horses are spare parts from the Mounted Men at Arms box.
How they might have looked if they were victorious over Edward IV at Barnet.
The horses were blocked painted and then given a wash of Minwax Tudor Satin stain. The can of stain was already almost dried and thinner was added to soften it. However, the stain ended up having a bunch of globules which had to be brushed off. The can was thrown away afterwards.
The plate barding for the Kingmaker was cut in half – fore and aft to allow proper seating of the figure.
The cantels of the saddles on the plastic horses were trimmed off as the metal mounted figures have this piece cast as part of the figures. Otherwise, the fit is very good.
An earlier painted Henry VI and Duke of Buckingham as they might’ve appeared at First St Albans are on the far right.

The past few weeks have been quite hectic with heavy winds blowing down our backyard fence (15 years old with rotten posts) and also a minor fender bender to my car – both since repaired (insurance covered most of it), so happy to get this post onto the blog. Holiday cheers to all!

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