Leuctra at Partizan
Hi all, I’m still playing catch up after Partizan but here are a couple of photos of the game, taken by chum Ian Notter.
Above is the Spartan deployment- that’s Cleombrotos I at the start of the battle.
Below is the Theban extra-deep phalanx. The speed of the Theban advance in the first game was astonishing (hilariously the new pack of cards they were using for activations wasn’t completely shuffled and they played the 6, 7 and the 8 of Hearts in a row, advancing straight into melee and clobbering the Spartans).
In both games Epaminondas‘ phalanx got off to a cracking start, but narrowly failed to break the opposing Spartans and was pushed back, disordered. In the second game it was routed. Despite this, both games eventually ended in extremely narrow Theban victories due to their superior cavalry (and in particular a large unit of very scruffy raw light cavalry) getting behind the Spartans and causing mayhem. Next week, when I have the time, I’ll post the scenario in the BigRedBatShop for downloading; it’s a cracker!
A huge thank you to Ian, Andrew Brentnall, Simon Williams, Phil Hamer and all those who helped, played or dropped by for a chat! It was a very enjoyable day at a terrific show. We were surrounded by lovely games with astonishing modelling- but I don’t think any games were played by more people or with more good-natured enthusiasm than was ours.
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Autor: Simon MillerThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCave
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