Mega phalanx 4
Here are a couple of WIP shots of the Theban phalanx for Sunday. This will represent the very deep Theban phalanx used at Leuctra.
The bases are only part painted and also need to be flocked, but should be finished today/tomorrow in time for the show on Sunday. I’m very much looking forward to Partizan, especially as I want to see the stunning Crecy game that David Imrie and Simon Chick have been working on.
In other news, for „To the Strongest!“ fans… I’ve just released a revised version of Even Stronger- this free supplement includes additional rules that can be used with the To the Strongest! rules. This latest version includes changes to combined light troops, who may now charge formed troops regardless of how they are armed. I have re-written the light lance rule. There are extra sections on ammunition (including a very important change regarding lances and shock and lance chits) and extra weapons. Supported cavalry have become deep units. Artillery have had a boost with a new type – Artillery (field gun), and these and bombards are now very effective against dense targets.
The free supplement can be downloaded from:-
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Autor: Simon MillerThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCaveThe BigRedBatCave
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