Empress Miniatures: New Interwar British From Mutton Chop

Empress Miniatures: We have just added four new packs of British to Paul Hicks‘ brilliant Mutton Chop range. These capture the classic home army look of 1930s and very early 1940s with puttees and respirator pouches. Some BEF regiments went into France in this kit and obviously they are perfect for VBCW and theoretical ‚Operation…


Scouts Done

Finally got the Scouts done, barring the bases.  I might end up adding some shield designs & maybe some clothing patterns, but for now they will do till i get a full 6 points painted.   Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst….


Osprey Publishing: Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier

Osprey Publishing: Here’s a sneak peek at CBT 26: Boer Guerrilla vs British Mounted Soldier, which publishes this month! Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Wargame News and Terrain Blog,Wargame News and TerrainWargame News and TerrainWargame News and Terrain Powered…


Age of Sigmar: Cohortes de Huetzilopotzli #6

Yo ya. !Ya he llegado a los 1000 puntos! Con esta última unidad de Saurus Guard alcanzo la meta impuesta para el verano, los 1000 puntos. A partir de ahora me lo tomaré con más calma e intentaré hacer hueco a mis otros proyectos (¡mis cultistas robagénes necesitan más compañeros!). Debo reconocer que en realidad…


On the Road to Stalingrad, Part Four

I have to admit that after posting Part Three yesterday, I was not feeling that confident about my roofing ideas.  So, as soon as the glue had dried on the roofs, I slapped on some of my standard base coat,… Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem…


Element Games: New Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter Sets

Element Games launched the discounted pre-order for the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar Starter Sets. Check the new starter sets here for the Deamons of Slaanesh, Beastclaw Raiders and Fyreslayers. Dieser Artikel stammt von einer der angeschlossenen Quellen. Bitte honoriere die Arbeit der Autoren indem du ihren Webseite besuchst. Artikelquelle besuchen Autor: Wargame News and Terrain Blog,Wargame News and…


Sunday morning ramblings…

As promised a quick shot of Trent Miniatures and Foundry mixed together not a bad mix in terms of height and scale. A mentioned before the Foundry sculpts are a little on the repetitive side but mixed together they look fine. With 30+ Maroons now complete I need to start thinking about how to represent…


Newline Designs Pict Cavalry

Ive been looking around for some Pict Cavalry & finally decided on the Newline Designs Miniatures 9 pack for £15 in the sale. There are 3 lots of 3 different designs of rider & horse in the set (in my set i got 4 of one type, shame it was the walking horse) The above…


Cimmerian Cavalry

Ten mounted bods and one foot bod who appears to be another Conan lookalike Very little Flash, great sculpts, especially the nags. Only one small, but solvable Problem. The bods don´t fit that well on the nags. The reason ? Thier legs aren´t wide enough appart to fit over the nags sturdy backs. I tried…



I got me a Troll from the Wizkids range of D & D minis. Troll (SKU: 72573), was wey cost effective, only £4. the troll was big, about 60mm foot to eye, When I was in the store I thought it would match with my othere trolls from the GW box „Battle at Skull Pass“…
