Rising Sun, Tumbling Bear #4 – Turn 3 The attack on Pyongyang – Part 2
A few weeks late, nice to get out of the desert for a while and the road to Pyongyang where a Russian force was attempting to hold back the Japanese attackers.
We tweaked Sharp Practice using John Savage’s rule amendments for the later war period for the 1870’s and the introduction of mass ranks of breach loaders.
The Russian force, I quite fancy some extra Russians to bolster this force.
The Japanese selected a number of spots on the table for an artillery barrage before the Russians deployed, the shells landed in the and around the village which was lightly held by the Russians which limited the casualties, although the HQ was hit by a shell which knocked the CinC unconscious.
The bulk of the Russian forces were on the far side of the village, the Russian commander having massed all their infantry in a solid block.
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Autor: Stuart S / Dust, Tears & Dice
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